The name of Plymouth Harbor reveals much about the values on which it rests. Like its historic counterpart far to the north in the 17th century, Sarasota’s Plymouth Harbor is a lively community located on the water and committed to an independent life in fellowship one with another. We even call our community neighborhoods “colonies!”
Opened in 1966, Plymouth Harbor was the dream of The Reverend Dr. John Whitney MacNeil, a Congregational minister. He envisioned an inclusive, progressive interfaith community based on shared values: trust, open communications, integrity, honesty, innovation, and the highest quality.
As the decades have passed and times have changed, Plymouth Harbor continues to attract vibrant residents, both nationally and internationally. It has evolved to become one of the premier continuing care retirement communities in the United States and is recognized as an employer of choice in the region.
Our residents and staff also share a love of boating, a passion for helping others, and a natural spirit of friendship. Plymouth Harbor is home to all who love gracious living and the finer points of a sunrise and a sunset over Sarasota Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.