Laura Cassell

Seniorly Local Advisor

Seniorly Local Advisor

Laura Cassell

Families Helped


Years of Experience

6 year(s)

With Seniorly Since


Operating In

Pensacola, FL

Laura's credentials

false Top Advisor 2025

Laura Cassell is a recipient of the 2025 Top Advisor Award from Seniorly. Advisors that received this honor have demonstrated exceptional dedication to helping families with their search of senior living.


Senior Care Authority


University of South Dakota
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Strategic Communication
University of South Florida
Master of Science (MS), Applied Aging Sciences and Gerontology


Laura's reviews

Overall Rating

Michael M
Laura was very informative and conscientious that we make the correct decision for our parent. Highly recommended!
September 2022
Verified Review

Sherry H
Laura was helpful with setting up tours of assisted living/memory care facilities. We did choose a great facility that she referred us to.
July 2022
Verified Review

Candace M
Laura was great to work with! She listended to concerns regarding finances and accomadations. She provided several locations to chose from. Erik was able to find a wonderful, safe enviornment for his mother to reside in.
March 2022
Verified Review

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What we think about Laura

Laura has worked in senior living communities herself prior to being an advisor, and is able to bring a wealth of knowledge to the table because of that experience. She understands that this is not an easy time in a family's life, and makes the effort to ensure they're supported every step of the way. She continues her education in order to better serve her families as well.

About Laura

Laura Cassell has been working in the aging services industry for almost 7 years now. She started her career in Minnesota as a Marketing and Sales Director at a large community. Her love and passion for helping families understand their options for their loved ones took over and her job became apart of who she is. Laura’s grandma was a huge part of her upbringing and she was surrounded by her wisdom and love until she passed away in 2011. She has always known that she loved being around the elderly but didn't realize she could do it for a living. Laura wakes up everyday knowing she gets to help families and older adults find a home that they can afford, fits their care needs and in their desired locations, and that is immensely rewarding and meaningful to her. She is blessed to get to know the clients she works with and that they allow her into their lives through such a vulnerable and tough time. Laura is currently finishing up her Master's Degree in Gerontology through the University of South Florida (online), to further her knowledge on how humans age and develop to advance her skill sets for her clients.
This page was updated on Jan 28, 2025

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